71/4″ Wagon Stock For Sale

The following e-mail has been received, I also have some photos if anyone should be interested. Alan Hooper

Hello Sir, I am David Priest maybe you might know either myself or my father Alan Priest? I have been making these wagons in 7 1/4 I noticed that you have several Diesel locomotives and wondered if there might be any interest from either your club or the owners of the Diesels in purchasing my wagons? As they say if you don’t ask you don’t get!!
I can be contacted on 07500956461
Email drpriest1970@hotmail.co.uk
Or my workshop 01189888773.
Many thanks for your time.

Dave Priest
Unit 5
Brookside Business Park

Myford ML7 For Sale

The following e-mail has been received:


Dear sir,
I have recently been in correspondence with Myford regarding an ML7 lathe that was my father’s (he died recently).  They suggested that we try contacting a local model engineering society to see if anyone would be interested in buying it and that its value would be around £500.  I therefore wonder if you would be kind enough to circulate this e-mail to your members, in case anyone would be interested.  The lathe is stored in a garage in Henleaze.  If contact could initially be made by e-mail, that would be helpful as the family is coming and going from the house.
Yours faithfully,
 Elizabeth Devery

Workshop Week 12

Well, we’ve got there. The building is basically complete. There are a few thinks that still need to be done or rectified but the shell is complete. As such this will probably be the last of the weekly updates, maybe when some of the interior is fitted out?

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Workshop Week 11

Nearly here for the basic building. Concrete pump arrived at dawn on Wednesday, unfortunately the concrete didn’t until 9am. Unfortunately the camera batteries didn’t like working at that time or perhaps it was just the cold. Still the floor and the front apron is now complete. Work continues on the gables but the ridge tiles have been completed. All the drains are connected to the soakaway and the tiles along the valley gutter need trimming-back. Hopefully complete by the end of week 12. Of course our week will still need completing; painting the walls, electrics, lighting, water/sink, the inlaid track in the floor, door cladding and probably much more I have forgotten.

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Workshop Week 10

Week 10 and very little has changed from last week, although the roof tiles have been completed, just the ridge tiles to go. Gable ends still need to be finished. Formwork for the track in the concrete floor has been trialled prior to the membrane and concrete floor being laid. Some concern has been raised over the amount of water seen below the valley gutter on Friday, awaiting confirmation that the valley has been sealed. Photos below:-

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Workshop Week 8

Sorry for the delay if anyone out there has been following theses photos, weekend taken up by the children; still. Last weeks photos added below; and yes for the eagle eyed, the date stone does say 2014!

Alan Hooper

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Workshop – Week 6

Another week gone and the rear door frame is in, the lintels are in and the first wall plate added. All the remaining materials appear to have been delivered, including the tiles. Photo’s attached. Please think about what you would like to see/have in this facility and let one of the Committee know; it is not all about maintaining the railway.DSCN1831 DSCN1833 DSCN1836 DSCN1837 DSCN1838

Alan Hooper

Workshop – Week 5

DSCN1821 DSCN1822 DSCN1828 DSCN1827 DSCN1826 DSCN1825Week 5 already but at least the exterior brickwork is going up at a pace.

I would like to hear your wishes for the uses the workshop should be used for; not just the maintenance of the railway; but for what you would like it to include. It must be available to all members for all types of engineering. My e-mail on the members list or through the web site, or just collar one of the Committee.

More progress photos attached.