We have two tracks, each approximately 1/3 mile long and normally have frequent Running Days for the public on Sundays throughout the summer. Bring the family. Everybody is welcome and we look forward to seeing you all. Public Running extends from March to December. The programme of running for 2023 is published on the Public Running Days page.
We are in the grounds of the Ashton Court Estate accessed via the Clifton Lodge Gate. Click the link for details on How to get there.
We have two main tracks, both in the form of continuous loops. The raised track is a combined 3½” and 5” gauge line and is raised above ground level to improve the comfort of drivers and passengers and to increase stability. The ground level track is 7¼” and 5″ gauge and runs round the outside of the raised track. Both tracks run through a tunnel and are controlled by a variety of semaphore and coloured light signals.
The society owns five 5” locomotives and two 7¼” locomotives which are used for driver training and passenger hauling on public open days and the use of the track by members for private running is encouraged. We also organise Fun Days throughout the year when members can come along and run their engines without the pressure of public passenger hauling. See Club Activities for details of our programme.
Tracks are serviced by sidings, a traverser and steaming bays, with the normal services provided including 12v and 24v for blowers. Visiting drivers are welcome but should note that insurance is required and a valid boiler and annual steam test certificate must be shown.
You can view our Tracks Layout online or see what Facilities are Available for visiting locomotive and traction engine drivers.
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