Bob’s Blog 5th July



On a sunny but chilly  Wednesday evening, members gathered at Ashton Court.  Quite a good turn out of members but unfortunately this was not matched by locomotives.  Only Gordon Cackett brought along his engine and he also allowed Pete Goodman to have a go and see what he could do.  Both drivers had great problems with wheel spin which they put down to an oil leak which occurred on the last running day. Gordon struggled round with himself, and three passengers whilst Pete started with the same number of passengers but soon found he had to drop David Harding and continue with two.   The provisional result , subject to final analyse and scrutiny was a win for Gordon with 0.9% and Pete coming second with 0.6%.   Shame there were not more engines but there was a lot of chatting and much  tea drunk.  Unfortunately the club loco was out of action with a broken grate,  We must make sure it is available next year so we can have a full test of drivers if not of locos.

Gordon Cackett with Pete on board “learning the road”


Pete Goodman – making good time down the back straight.



The long walk home for David Harding.   IMG_0494




Tuesday Steam – Can you identify  the Headless Driver?


As often happens these days a few members turned out on Tuesday to run assorted trams and steam engines and enjoy a cup of coffee and natter.  A new member turned up and enjoyed some laps of the track.  Dennis is re-building a Polly 4 and looking forward to his retirement when he can spend more time at the track.    He is keen to learn more about using a lathe and milling machine he has recently purchased and has offered to help at the exhibition.  Mike Keighley spent the morning clearing ants nests.

Clue to headless driver – he has recently been castigated for the shocking state of his car!


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About Bob

Very retired electrical engineer who now tries his hand at most things. Dabbles with clocks, steam locos, electric locos, signal systems, Mac computers etc. Always pleased to help.

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