Unsung Heroes
Frank Buffham is one of the unsung heroes who work so hard at Ashton Court. He turns up most Fridays, always with a cheerful smile and sets to work. His specialty is strimming and the picture shows him hard at work on the grass bank adjacent to the carriage shed. It was particularly hard work this time as the inclement weather had prevented Frank getting on with it and had also ensured some lush growth. If he can’t get on with strimming he will find something else useful to do like blowing away leaves or mowing the grass. With his past trade as a Master Baker he is also a very good cook and we all look forward to his birthday and the cakes he provides. One of a number of similar heroes we have in the Society – Thanks Frank
Following an article in ME, discussion has started on providing soft water for our boilers. Ron James and Mark Phillips are into reverse osmosis and such things. If anybody has experience of such schemes using this process or rainwater storage etc perhaps they could contact one of these two gentlemen.
We have school parties coming to Ashton Court in the morning of 16th and 17th October and if anybody could spare some time to help please contact me. Email BobLilley@Blueyonder.co.uk or leave a reply.