BOB’s BLOG 7th December 2012

Christmas Lunch

Today we had our annual Christmas lunch at the track when we sat down to a meal followed by mince pies, christmas cake and mints with coffee.   This is put together by Joan with assistance from  Carol  and a splendid job they make of it.   This year we had a record number of  27  members sitting down and we were pleased that three of our members who have been poorly were able to join us.     Geoff Hinbest was  able to drive himself and, although walking with a stick, looked very well and I am sure will be a regular visitor before too long.   Roger Sykes looked a picture of health but has been through the mill with three operations since the summer and Mike Keighley who is recovering from his recent operation, not  driving yet but doing very well as long as you don’t make him laugh.

We wish them well and a speedy recovery back to full health.


Ground Level Track

With so many people in attendance we had a blitz on the ground level track replacement , cleared the rail and refurbished the track bed from the station round to the bridge.  This is an excellent start to the project.


Frost Warning

Because of the possibility of the pipes freezing the water has been drained from all pipes except the station where we have a small heater which allows us to keep the water on to the toilet.    When leaving the club hut please turn off the water supply by using the stopcock in the manhole and opening the drain.   Obviously when visiting it will be necessary to put the water back on.

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About Bob

Very retired electrical engineer who now tries his hand at most things. Dabbles with clocks, steam locos, electric locos, signal systems, Mac computers etc. Always pleased to help.

2 thoughts on “BOB’s BLOG 7th December 2012

  1. Hi Bob
    You’re obviously feeling lonely – hence your request for comments via the website 🙂

    Somehow you seem to have posted the same web link for all 3 photos on your 7th December Blog. So whichever one I click on I always get the full sized picture of Don Cordall. Now don’t get me wrong, I think Don’s a nice chap, but occassionally I would like to see photos of other people not just him!

    See you next Friday down at AC.

    Best regards


    • Hi Peter

      Sorry I have been slow in replying but I so rarely get a comment that I don’t even look for them anymore. Just spotted this in a random list of comments. I have had a look at the blog and there are three different pictures with Don appearing on only one. There are a lot of people who look like Don on every picture possibly that is causing the confusion but the pink jumper is a give away.
      Next time you reply I will try and get back a bit quicker.
      Have another look and let me know what you see this time – I have changed nothing, could it possibly be something to do with the season of goodwill.
      Happy Christmas Bob

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