BOB’s BLOG Dec 21st


What did we do in  2012

With Christmas fast approaching there was not much happening today except mince pies and coffee.  I walked round with the camera to capture some of the events and successes of the year.  On reflection not a bad year of work and pleasure.    Mostly pleasure.


Laid 150 yds of replacement ground level track





Refurbished Club Hut with replacement kitchen.





Completed boiler testing table.






Drank 4,000 cups of tea






Refurbished Station interior and laid new floor.





Gave 25,000 rides.

Public running, Santa Special, Fun Days, Rallys, School Trips, Holiday Clubs, Special Needs




Installed lift in carriage shed so that  carriages are no longer stored in the tunnel.





Laid slabs to improve passenger access in station.





Ran over 70 different locomotives   giving enjoyment, fulfilment and pleasure to many drivers, large and small,  young and old.




Cut grass, pruned bushes then cut grass again and again and  again …





Not a bad years work and what pleasure and enjoyment we all had: – digging, painting, drinking, bolting, banging, steaming, filing, welding, signalling, cutting, clearing, eating, cleaning and talking, especially talking.    Just how fortunate and  lucky we are.  There will be just as much fun and more  to be had again next year.

Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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About Bob

Very retired electrical engineer who now tries his hand at most things. Dabbles with clocks, steam locos, electric locos, signal systems, Mac computers etc. Always pleased to help.

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