The Frys’ Sentinel railway Locomotive

On the 15th February Eric Miles came to our evening meeting at Begbrook and gave us a fascinating account of the recovery of the Sentinel steam railway locomotive originally purchased by Fry’s of Sommerdale (latterly Cadburys, and now sadly closed by Kraft).

Arising from this visit David Cole has invited us to view progress on the restoration of this locomotive which is presently taking place at Avon Valley Railway. This has been arranged for 7.00pm on Wednesday 30th May and I hope it will be well supported by members of our society. This is an almost unique railway locomotive from this company who are more usually associated with steam road vehicles. A donation to our hosts from members attending will be appreciated.

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About Quenton

Electronics Tech Retired. Interests - Amateur Radio, Electronics, Photography, Model Engineering and as my time served carpenter and joiner father used to say of me, a bit of a wood butcher.

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