Bob’s Blog 28th June


Happy Faces

Normally we share our locomotives and trains to the delight of the younger generation but on Tuesday we had the pleasure of giving rides to some older people who were equally excited and showed a great deal of pleasure.  These were a group of disabled who were brought along by DCF Premier Workshop, which is a charity in Bristol looking after some 50 people during the week.  It does a tremendous job and aims to provide them with an interesting experience with activities in the workshop and on outings.   I have to say the pleasure on the faces of these folk who struggled to get on the carriages and then enjoyed lap after lap round the track was a pleasure to behold.  We all have great fun with our hobby and it is a treat to share it and see others also get so much enjoyment.  Thanks to all the members who turned out to assist on such a very rewarding day.IMG_0478






5000 Laps 1550 Miles



Yes that is correct.  On Sunday the Western Britstolian Class 52 locomotive completed 5,000 laps and nearly 1,600 actual miles.  That is the distance from John O’Groats to Lands End and back – can you picture it running all that way alongside the M6.

The loco was purchased from Phoenix and first took to the track in May 2007 so has been working away for some 6 years.  Initially it was somewhat lacking in power for club use, hauling passengers, and this was overcome by fitting new motors with a new controller.  Following the upgrade it has given excellent and reliable service and can be seen being driven by Martin Mortimer-Fox on most running days.   You can see from the photograph that with the excellent care given to it by Mike Keighley and others it has kept in remarkably good condition and is a splendid asset in the service of the club.

PS   Alan Church has asked me to point out that the rubbish disposed of by our chairman does not include his Irish loco.

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About Bob

Very retired electrical engineer who now tries his hand at most things. Dabbles with clocks, steam locos, electric locos, signal systems, Mac computers etc. Always pleased to help.

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