Bob’s Blog 21st June


The Workshop in Action


Daniel Hamilton came with his dad Donald to the auction on Wednesday evening at Ashton Court and asked if he could come along on Friday to do some work on a Go-Kart he is building.  This is Daniel at work on one of the stub axles under the watchful eye of workshopmanager Phil Bridgeway.  Daniel had already done some lathe work at school but no doubt learnt a lot from Phil who introduced him to turning between centres.   It is  delight to see the machinery being put to such good use and Daniel will be back next week to make some more parts.   The go-kart will be powered by a Honda look-a-like engine and Daniel has already completed the front end.   We look forward to seeing the kart in action.

 Alan Church with 3 1/2 F

IMG_0455Alan Church brought along his scratch built Gauge 1 engine and tender.  It was intended to be a 4F but Alan got the dome in the wrong place so now it is a 3 1/2F or as Alan puts it an “Irish” engine.  Wheels came from our sale last year and the rest from Alan’s scrap box –  he must have a IMG_0456big scrap box.   Based on “the project” it has single cylinder with slip eccentric, water pump and is exquisitely made to a total cost of £30.  We have got some clever b’s in our Society.   Not sure what contribution our chairman was making but it is good to see him at the track because he takes a lot of rubbish away.

  Mike Keithley and a Polly Tender


Mike Keithley brought along the tender of the club’s Polly  – yet another smashing piece of work – spoilt with things to photograph this week.   He and his team have been working hard , particularly on the paint work and this made it quite difficult to photograph with the bright sun reflecting on the highly polished service.   Looks too good to me for the members to use, I think we will have to get Frank Gibbens to make a glass case for it! .


More Action


There was a lot more action with a very good turn out of members enjoying the sunny day. David Giles was working on the paved area around the new lift and a boiler awaits test.  The tailstock die holder and dies were purchased at the auction on Wednesday night for the club workshop.  We are building up quite a collection of tools to go with the machinery.

It is about time I had a holiday so I am away for the next threeFridays but will try and get some news to you.

Clicking on the pictures should blow them up – it does and gives a black screen!!  Back to the experts.




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About Bob

Very retired electrical engineer who now tries his hand at most things. Dabbles with clocks, steam locos, electric locos, signal systems, Mac computers etc. Always pleased to help.

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