The sun is shining and no one has asked if we are nearly there yet!
The sun had gone in now 🙁 but Quenton is happy, he picked up a computer magazine at the services.
Progess has been slow due to other commitments but now I’m hitting the workshop in ernest.
The base, firebox and baseweight are assembled.
The engine standard has been curved to fit the firebox, axle bushes turned and soft soldered to the bottom of the standard and the portface has been drilled/milled and riveted and soft soldered to the top of the standard.
Last night I turned the crank and crank pin, I just need to tap it 5BA now (guess what the one tap I’m missing is? Grrrrrr)
I’ve added a post to the Members Section Forum where you can suggest items of machinery or tooling for the new workshop, If there is specific item you want to have access to there, add a reply to the post.
I’m hoping for one of these………
Pickle saved the day! Following my misshap with the steel washer in the old pickle (see comment on previous post) a further week in fresh pickle reversed the copper deposition.
Also the silver solder finally flowed. The improvement was down to using more flux and using a bigger burner to get the temperature up quicker.
The finished job may look a little messy to the more experienced practitioners out there, but to me it looks lovely as it’s my first sucessful boiler build 🙂
Now I like to say it held pressure on its first test, but that would be a fib. Two of the bushes leaked when I tested it initially at 10 psi immersed in a bucket of water. The answer? MORE SOLDER.
It has now been tested to 30 psi and not so much as a nano bubble escaped – phew
What did I say about luck and a fair wind?
The solder around the base ran as expected. Dead easy this soldering! I don’t know what people go on about.
So on with the base of the chimney. Heat up, watch the flux melt and go clear touch the solder on……. nothing. More heat then…. nothing MORE HEAT……. still nothing HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT and yes – still nothing. Out of luck. Dang it!
It all went into the pickle to try again the next day (well today). This time the base went on fine.
Dead easy this soldering, I dont know what people go on about.
So turn it over and lets do the top. I just about managed to get the top of the chimney done and one of the bushes. The other two bushes and the rim of the top, Nope. Nothing doing. Rien de rien.
The /^&/$@#/ thing is back in the pickle now ready to try again tomorrow.
Sean Griffiths
I am taking part in the SMEE course for beginner Model Engineers, the course covers the building of a small boiler and oscillating engine to the design ‘Polly’ by Tubal Cain.
The boiler is designed around a tube of copper with formed endplates and a central chimney that doubles as a stay. Brass bushes are placed in the top plate to hold a safety valve, steam pipe and filling point.
Here is my progress so far.
Cutting the end plates from sheet
Discs held on an mdf base for drilling the central hole
I had heard lots of horror stories about drilling sheet but using these drills it was no problem. Not a triangular hole in sight.
Here you can see a part formed disc and the next one to be formed fitted to the former. The ball pien hammer was an old abused one that I cleaned up with emery and then polished up on a buffing wheel bought at one of our auctions.
And then it a case of beat, anneal, clean…… until formed.
All the copper parts complete. The holes for the bushes were drilled using the drills shown previously and the holes for the chimney were opened out with a boring bar on the lathe.
And here are the bushes turned from brass.
My next step is to silver braze everything together. I got a few sticks from Ron at the last meeting and the only thing holding me back now is a little trepidation but with luck and a fair wind it will be done tomorrow.
Sean Griffiths
Following on from my………., well I supose I’ll call it ‘Presentation’ as the dictionary doesn’t have a word I can find for “Monotone rambling with poor technical execution”, hmmmmm
So following on from my presentaion at Begbrook last night, to login to the website,type in your given user name as provided by the webmaster.
The initial password for each member will be set by the Webmaster.
This password will be a strong one but probably not an easy one to remember, you may wish to set a more memorable one. Please ensure it is a strong one, the change password facility will tell you if it is weak, or strong.
If your current password is a simple one please change it as soon as possible.
The best passwords avoid using dictionary words and include numbers and punctuation, but this can make them hard to remember, one technique I use is to take a song or poem that reminds my of the account the password is for and use the first letter of each word, the password (which I dont use) edabndncobdtl comes from the song covered by the dimimutive antipodian Pop Princess, Kylie
Everybody’s doing a brand new dance, now
Come on baby, do the Locomotion
Throw in capitalisation where the song suggest emphasis and perhaps punctuation and you get a pretty strong password that a hacking tool wont get out of a standard list of words;
So don’t think that using LNER1 is hack proof and your membership number certainly isn’t!
The login process is covered in The Webmaster’s help page and comes with screen shots and if you have any trouble email the Webmaster, Quenton at or me at
And the first time you do a post, or anytime you write a large post, type it up in notepad (insert anyother text editor of your choice) first, then if something goes awry, you wont lose your hard words, and wont have to use word that would make a sailor blush 🙂
There are plenty more topics that can be covered on using the website, so once you login head over to the forum and enter any questions, rants, queries or who knows, praise as a new thread there.
Thanks for reading
2nd assistant web minion – part time
Sunday, September 2nd 2012
Bring a locomotive to run – steam loco’s require a current boiler certificate please.
31/2″, 5″ and 71/4″ gauge tracks in operation.
And an added bonus! Bernard will be demonstrating Silver Soldering in the Ashton Workshop. Come along and watch an award winning engine builder at work